Sample: Services
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Gentle Chiropractic Care
Dr. Christina provides gentle chiropractic care, which facilitates healing from the inside out. This type of chiropractic unwinds current and past tension and stress, and helps heal injuries effectively. It also frees up stuck energy in the body-mind-spirit-emotions. Dr. Christina occasionally uses structural manipulation - by hand or activator - only when needed and approved by her patient.
Gentle chiropractic care has far reaching benefits.Most patients feel better physically quickly. They experience a sense of ease, relaxation, and connection with themselves and their bodies. They have more clarity in their thinking, so it is easier to make healthy choices that are in alignment with their true self.
“I have been to many different chiropractors and Dr. Boiano is by far the best!” LJ, Santa Fe
Clients can more easily break the cycle of repeating and long held patterns. Because decreased spinal tension creates a greater level of safety, it is also common for people to experience emotions and memories from the past. This all leads to an increased ability for clients to know their authentic self and create their life from there.
During a gentle chiropractic session, Dr. Christina is always tuning in intuitively. This often leads to a deeper exploration of what would be most helpful for you on that visit. She may lead you to pay attention to a particular place in your body, ask you some questions about some other time in your life, and/or pick an essential oil to use during that session.
"Dr. Boiano is a gentle, caring and compassionate chiropractor. My sessions with her relieve tensions in my body and amazingly unlock the core roots of these tensions in my mind. Her deep listening discerns exactly what I need even when I cannot put my needs into words. I consider Dr. Boiano to be the chiropractor's Chiropractor because her knowledge of the body and its connection to the Mind and Spirit is profoundly evident in her healing abilities."
AA, Santa Fe, NM
Holistic Nutrition and Hemp Oil
Holistic Nutrition and Whole Food Supplements
A state of relaxation and a balanced nervous system is essential to creating and sustaining a healthy and purposeful life. Dr. Christina noticed that some of her clients were struggling to reach, maintain, or expand this optimal state, even though they were doing everything else right.
That’s when she started offering holistic nutrition and whole food supplement counseling to her services. Dr. Christina found that holistic nutrition and hemp oil (see below) can correct these deficiencies.
"For every human illness, somewhere in the world there exists a plant which is the cure. I believe that there is a healing potential locked inside plants which is integral with their evolution, just as it is part of human evolution to learn to tap this wonderful gift of Nature." Rudolf Steiner
More and more research shows most illness has its roots in nutritional deficiencies. Whole foods create vibrant health in ways that synthetic supplements cannot. They contain all the nutrients in the correct ratios that manufactured products cannot reproduce. Whole foods also have energy to them that t is impossible to reproduce in a factory.
This is why Dr. Christina only recommends supplements that are made from whole foods.
Thoughtful and individualized nutritional protocols can have far reaching effects.
Patients have experienced
more energy and stamina
better digestion
sleeping better
healthier inflammatory response
deeper relaxation
and an overall sense of well being.
Most of the nutrition and herbal supplements Dr. Christina recommends are from Standard Process and MediHerb.
Hemp Oil
Hemp oil is all the rage these days for a reason! We have a system in our body called the Endo Cannabinoid System (ECS). The primary responsibility of the ECS is to create and maintain homeostasis, or balance. It plays a role in more than 250 body processes. With the amount of stress, toxins, unhealthy food, polluted air, etc., we are exposed to, the ECS is not able to function to the best of its ability without a little help for most of us. Taking a high quality, highly absorbable hemp oil primes the ECS, so that it can do what it’s meant to do.
The benefits of taking hemp oil as a supplement are truly remarkable. The website,, has tens of thousands of research articles to substantiate this. Additionally, is a great hemp resource. Some of the common benefits include feeling better physically, maintaining a state of relaxation, feeling healthy emotionally, mental clarity, and sleeping better.
Dr. Christina recommends the Nanoemulsified Colorado Hemp Oil made by Quicksilver Scientific. She has seen this hemp oil have dramatic positive effects for people, even those that have tried other brands of hemp oil or CBD oil.
I have used medicinal cannabis and other Hemp Oil products. I was really surprised how much better I felt after the very first dose. I continue to feel a little better every day." JB, Santa Fe
Personal Essential Oil Blends
Essential oils and plant spirit medicine are to Dr. Christina as tarot cards are for many. Most people come away from a personal essential oil blend session with a vast amount of insight about what has held them back from manifesting their intentions. The blends give clients access to the wisdom of plant spirit medicine to help them reach their goals.
Personal essential oil blends are for those who want to take a deep dive into getting at the root cause of what they would like to change in their health and their lives.
They are able to connect with and integrate parts of themselves that have been holding the keys to their health and happiness. They are able to access and live from their authentic self.
How It Works
Before you have your personal essential oil blend session, Dr. Christina will send you a for that will prepare you for the session, asking you write your intentions.
When you meet (either in person or online), she will guide you into a centered, meditative state. Dr. Christina will choose the oils intuitively so that the plant spirit medicine within each oil can shine through.
Next, Dr. Christina will make your personal essential oil blend and give you an intuitive reading. You will also receive suggestions for exercises and activities you can do to help create the sift you are looking for. All personal essential oil blend sessions are recorded so you can listen again, take notes, and follow up on the suggestions provided.
“My life completely changed after my first session with Dr. Christina. She made a Personal Oil Blend for me and I quickly saw positive results based on what I asked for during the session. I have continued to change and my life has continued to transform. At this point Dr. Christina has made a number of blends for me and has coached me to a level of health, self-awareness, and healing I could not have imagined” LM, Connecticut
Wellness Coaching
Wellness Coaching is perfect for those people who want to take their health and their life to the next level...and the next, and the next! The coaching sessions are a collaboration between Dr. Christina and her client. Wellness Coaching addresses any level that blocks the client from meeting their goals. Most people need to address multiple levels in order to create the change they are looking for. Equally important is the ability to connect, integrate, and and embody the various levels of being.
Clients who have participated in Wellness Coaching with Dr. Christina have experienced dramatic life changes. Most people are able to make the leap to living in a relaxed, comfortable with themselves and their lives way rather than being in stress and distress much of the time. Breaking of old repeating patterns and replacing them with healthier ones is is common.
Wellness Coaching clients find they have an highly expanded ability to know who they really are. They begin to live from an elevated place because they have risen out of past painful experiences.
And that changes everything!
Relationships change, work situations can change. Client begin to eat, think, feel, and communicate differently. Most importantly of all, with Wellness Coaching, people experience an expanded ability to love and accept themselves no matter what they have been through.
Group Events, Workshops and Retreats
Dr. Christina has lead many group events, drum circles, healing circles, classes, workshop and retreats:
Community Drum Circles
Drum, Rhythm and Sound as a Healing Tool
Healing in Joy Retreat
Class series on Reducing Stress
Pathway to Wellness Retreat
Music, Magic and Manifestation
Benefits of group events are varied and depend on the individual event. Dr. Christina is happy to collaborate with you to create the perfect event for you and your group.
“This was the most fun workshop I have ever attended. I loved every minute of it. I truly enjoyed making music while letting go of my fear of not doing it right. I loved feeling the rhythms in me and moving to them. I discovered that drumming is a powerful tool for accessing one's inner core. Christina, thank you again for the joy and inspiration you brought along.”
JG, Canada
Public Speaking
Dr. Christina is an experienced and inspiring public speaker. Her talks cover a wide variety of subjects and revolve around living a healthy, happy, authentic life:
Stress and Inflammation
Living a Joy Filled Life
Music, Magic and Manifestation
Healing vs. Curing
Hemp Oil and the Endo Cannabinoid System
7 Steps to Feeling Yummy
Changing Perspectives, Deepening Perspectives.
Dr. Christina is happy to create an individualized talk to meet the needs of your group.
“Dr. Christina is one of those rare people who can take the stage and really move your heart. I have had the great honor of being in her audience many times.” HK, Santa Fe